Universal Machine

A computer is a Universal Machine in the sense of Alan Turing. That is, it is designed to be able to operate any describable process. Which does not prevent it from also running indescribable or random processes. That is, there is no known theoretical limit to the complexity or nature of the processes that can run on a computer. For example, sensations like pain or pleasure, feelings and emotions like love, empathy or anger, energies like will, desire or fear, unconscious mechanisms like neuroses, culture or faith, mental processes like action planning, problem solving, scientific analysis, philosophical thinking, artistic creativity.. Whatever the exact meaning one can give to these words and concepts , they can exist within a computer. Everything that may seem specific to living beings, to human beings, everything that exists and has existed, everything that is imaginable or even unimaginable can in theory exist in a computer. Not as fiction or representation, but as reality active in the world, in the same world as us. This is not my opinion, this is the definition of the Universal Machine. Let’s prepare ourselves like for a long journey into the unknown…