
Concert A/V – Creation 2018

Franck Vigroux : live music
Antoine Schmitt : live visuals

The neurons involved in music listening are the same as the ones dedicated to the immediate prediction of the future. The chronostasis state is a cerebral illusion which corresponds to these moments when time seems to stop. Moreover, the fundamental equations of physics do not depend on time : everything could happen exactly the same way if times passed backwards. Time is elastic, and a stretched elastic always gets back to its initial length. The A/V performance Chronostasis  takes this logic to its limits by dilating to the extreme a catastrophic moment, through stretchings and inversions of time over the whole duration of the performance. An explosion of square pixels perpetually happens at different and simultaneous temporalities, slow motion, fast motion, repeated real time, backwards. Music made of electronic materials, drones and chords aggregates and dissociates phasings, bendings up and down, and other micro harmonic variations. The present moment freezes and diffracts endlessly, past and future cease to exist.

Chronostasis confront the absolute time of Newton, the relative time of Einstein, the subjective time of Bergson and the unconscious time of Freud with the time of music, the time of the performance, the time of the performers and the time of the audience.

“After seeing your show, I am not afraid of death anymore” (a woman spectator)

Dates :

7MAR18 :Premiere : Centre Pompidou – Grande salle – Ircam Live (Paris, FR)
22MAR18 : Concert Hall (Mende, FR)
3MAI18 : Festival Delco (Nimes, FR)
12MAI18 : Mapping Festival (Genève, CH)
31AUG18 : Festival Synthposium (Moscow, RU)
8SEPT18 : Festival miXité (Carcassonne, FR)
15SEPT18 : Festival Mutek (Buenos Aires, AR)
18SEPT18 : Festival Soco (Montevideo, UY)
26SEPT18 :  Festival Vision Sonoras (Morelia, MX)
28SEPT18 : Ciclo Extramuros Ex Teresa (Mexico, MX)
9NOV18 : Festival Multiplicidades (Rio, BR)
11NOV18 : SP Urban Festival (Sao Paulo, BR)
13NOV18 : Kinobeat Festival (Porto Alegre, BR)
24NOV18 : Festival Arrêt sur Image (Antibes, FR)
2DEC18 : Recombinant festival – Grey Area (San Francisco, USA)
25JAN19 : Festival Désordre – Brest (FR)
19JAN : Festival Reims Scènes d’Europe (Reims, FR)
16FEB19 : Madatac Festival (Madric, ES)
9MAR19 :  MainOFF Festival – Palermo (IT)
16MAY : Switch Festival – Théatre de Vanves (FR)
12-13-14-15JUN19 : Manizales, Bogota (Colombia)
14SEPT19 :  Maison des Metallos (Paris, FR)
14SEPT19 : Wesa Festival (Seoul, Korea)
10OCT19 : GAIDA Festival (Vilnius, Lithuania)
30OCT19 Adelaide : University (Adelaïde, AU)
2NOV19 :  Bunjil Place (Melbourne, Australia)
6NOV19 :  Audiofundation (Auckland, New Zealand)
7NOV19 :  (Wellington, New Zealand)
8NOV19 : Auckland Live Digital Stage (Auckland, New Zealand)
22NOV19 : Innovasound le 104 (Paris, FR)
24JAN20 : Watermans (London, UK)

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