Black Sun for Crumbling Land


Generative video
for the show Crumbling Land by Puce Moment

Black Sun is a generative video, based on the notion of inverted sun, in which thousands of pixels create a black sun-like shape, where the rays move from the outside towards this sun. The dynamics of the movement of the pixels is directly connected to the electromagnetic field of the real sun, as measured by the Sodankÿla Geophysics Observatory of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, and retrieved in real time through internet, even during the performances. This means that the Black Sun’s behavior during a given performance is unpredictable, and depends on the real sun behavior, generating ever changing overall dynamics, sometimes dramatic. Especially, when an aurora borealis (northern light) happens, Black Sun displays a spectacular internal energy.

The generative video Black Sun is connected to a modular synthesizer, which executes an electroacoustic composition by Puce Moment, which reacts to the same data as Black Sun, to which it is thus fully synchronized, and thus creates a musical presence of Black Sun. Both compositions, visual and audio, were created in collaboration, during work residencies.

Crumbling Land was premiered on March 9th 2017 at Le Vivat (Armentières, FR)

Crumbling Land
Conception et réalisation Puce Moment (Nicolas Devos & Pénélope Michel) – Composition musicale et scénographie Puce Moment – Création visuelle Antoine Schmitt – Flux en temps réel : SGO (Sodankÿla Geophysic Observatory) –  Chant lyrique et interprétation Camille Merckx (contralto), Elise Dabrowski (mezzo-soprano) – Dramaturgie Puce Moment et Youness Anzane – Assistante à la dramaturgie Béatrice Wegnez – Régie son Adrien Michel – Régie Lumière Emilie Fau – Administration Nina Vandenberghe

Production, diffusion : RCHprod. Avec le soutien de la Fondation Hermès (dans le cadre du dispositif New Settings). Coproduction : Opéra de Lille, Miroirs Etendus, le Vivat – Scène conventionnée danse et théâtre d’Armentières, le Cube – centre d’art numérique d’Issy-les-Moulineaux, kunstencentrum Buda – Courtrai. Avec le soutien de la DRAC Hauts de France, de la Région Hauts de France, de l’’Institut Français/ville de Lille, du Dicréam/CNC, du réseau LEAD, de l’Observatoire Géophysique de Sodankylä et de l’Université de Oulu en Finlande.


Photos : Puce Moment


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